Pipeline Performance

PeopleFluent Recruiting helps you track and manage candidates all the way from sourced to applied to hired. But how efficient is your hiring process? Use the Pipeline Performance Reports to find the average time it takes to move candidates through a given pipeline, target any inefficiencies, and see if you can make improvements over time.

These recruiting metrics are also available at the position level-access them in the Reporting screen on each position.

Default Pipeline Funnel Progression

In this report, we will show you the counts of candidates coming into each stage of your custom pipeline. Built like a funnel from top to bottom, the report outlines columns for the amount and percentage of candidates you move forward to each stage in a time frame that you choose, and how those counts and percentages compare to a previous time frame. Example questions you can answer with this report include:

  • At what stage do we weed out most of our applicants?
  • Are we moving more candidates forward through the phone box after we relaxed some of the requirements?


Default Pipeline By Position

How many days do your Customer Service Agent candidates spend in the Applied Stage? How does that time compare to your Customer Service Manager position?

In this report, we will display the time (in days) that the average candidate spends at each stage in their pipeline. In the example report below, we'd see that it's taking the sample company much longer to hire a Technical Engineer than a Sales Representative and that Engineers spend almost two weeks in the Applied stage alone … Sourced candidates for that position move much faster. Maybe it's time to focus on sourcing alone for that position?


Default Pipeline By Category

Easily batch positions in the same department/category together, so you can review how each department is progressing candidates through their pipelines. The Pipeline by Category report gives you a high-level, apples-to-apples average of the time (in days) candidate spend in each stage of each departmental pipeline.


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